Tuition Assistance:
St. Jakobi contributes toward the tuition of every member that goes to
, or at Concordia University if your student is majoring in a church-work field. Don’t let tuition
be a stumbling block to a Lutheran school education. Talk to Pastor if you would like assistance or have questions.
Tuition Tax Deduction
Are you aware that there is a Tuition Tax Deduction which allows parentsto deduct private and religious
school tuition in an amount up to $4,000 for each child in grades K-8, and up to $10,000 for each child
in grades 9-12? Be sure to keep this in mind as you move forward with your taxes.
If your child is interested in attending Camp Luther this
summer they can receive $50.00 towards Camp if they
have 80% attendance or better coming to Sunday school
including the Christmas program practice. If you have any
questions, please contact one of the Board of Ed
Sunday School
meets every Sunday,
September through May 10:30am-11:30am
Sunday School Coordinator: Wendy Kroenke
Eight High School Youth attended the Higher Things Youth Conference on the campus of
Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, IN the last week of August. The speakers were Rev. George
Borghardt and Rev. Matt Richard. There were also breakout sessions where the youth were able
to choose different topics about faith and life to learn about. The kids had a great time learning
about the love of God in Christ Jesus. They are already looking forward to next year’s conference.
We will begin planning for a Youth Group trip to the Higher Things Conference being held at
Carleton College, Northfield, MN next summer, July 3rd -6th, 2018. The theme is Sanctified.
Please have registration forms in by December 1st, 2017. All 8th graders and high schoolers
should have received a registration form. If you are concerned about what your kids learn from
the world and culture, then make sure they learn of the Word of God at the Higher Things
Conference. You can get more information at
Youth Instruction/Confirmation
VBS will be held the week of June 11th-15th in the mornings. The theme this year is Splash
Canyon: God’s Promise on Life’s Wild Ride. 2 Corinthians 1:20 is the theme verse: “For all the
promises of God find their Yes in Him.” The week of VBS is the week after school gets out and the
week before Summer School begins. Make plans now to have your children attend, help, or tell
your grandkids and friends about this great opportunity to learn about Jesus. Look for registration
material in the coming months.