Steve Gueths
Recording Secretary:
Judi Raddant
Donna Ward
Board of Evangelism:
Board of Trustees:
Jeff Buettner Warren Gueths
Vice President:
Darryl Prodell
Financial Secretary:
 Joan Stoehr
Board of Elders:
Jon Wesenberg
Board of Christian Education:
Jamie Popp Andrew Gueths
Recording Secretary:
 Attends all voters meetings, council meetings and planning committee
meetings and enters the minutes of all meetings in a permanent record book.
Financial Secretary:
Receives, records and deposits all monies received from individual
offerings, contributions, and special collections and provides a report to the Treasurer.
Manager of the congregation's receipts and disbursements.
Responsible for the spiritual welfare of the Pastor and congregation members, individually
and corporately and supervise everything pertaining to congregational worship.
 Perform proper maintenance and repair of church property,  and protect the
congregation against loss or damage of whatever nature.
Christian Education:
 Plan and administer the total education program of the congregation.
: Outreach and promote and encourage participation in congregational, Circuit,
District and Synod programs and events and inform the members of the congregation of the
world's need of Christ and how they can supply that need.
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Chuck Stoehr Mike Kroenke Rich Raddant Bob Behrens
Rob McDowell
 Lori Wendorff
Dennis Fonger
Dawn Wesenberg Cindy Winkler