Church Choir - "Voices of Praise" The purpose of the choir is to use their God-given talents
to sing praises to the Lord and beautify the services. The choir generally meets once a week
from September through May and usually sings once a month with additional times for holidays
and special occasions. During the Christmas season they organize a choral service that includes
participation by individual members of the congregation, other groups, and the choir. New
members are always welcome to join Voices of Praise. If Interested, contact the Choir Director.
Adult Fellowship Group usually meets every First Friday of the month and travels to a
different dining destination each time. The purpose of the group is to spend time together and
enjoy each other's company. Dates and destination are published in the church bulletin.
Everyone is encouraged to join this informal group for an evening out.
Altar Guild - The purpose of the Altar Guild is to serve the Lord and His church by taking care
of the Altar (setting up and taking down the communion ware, caring for the linens, and
changing paraments and banners with the church season). They coordinate flowers to help
beautify the church services and provide a flower calendar on the bulletin board in the Narthex
so church members can sign up to bring fresh flowers or plants to celebrate special occasions
(please no artificial flowers). They are associate members of the LWML and have Mite boxes
that go to missions. The Guild also organizes the annual Easter breakfast and has organized the
Seder meal when offered. They furnish napkins, candles, and a banner for baptisms and
purchase altar linens, paraments and banners from money received from fundraising activities or
memorials. The Altar Guild meetings are held the first Monday of the month at 7:00 pm and
new members are always welcome.
Church Library Association The purpose of the Library Association is to bring people to Jesus
Christ and to enable Christians to increase their faith and knowledge of Jesus. The Children's
Library is in one half of the double classroom in the Parish Hall and the videotapes and DVDs are
kept in the hallway. The Adult Library is in the multipurpose room in the church. All members
are encouraged to use the libraries, as they hold a multitude of information including books,
periodicals, videos, DVD's CD's, and information helpful to teachers. Both libraries are open
before and after church services and Sunday School. We welcome anyone who wishes to join
the Library Association or to volunteer their time.